The new national standard for wood-based panels was officially implemented on May 1,Furniture Hawdware


The new national standard for wood-based panels was officially implemented on May 1

      GB18580-2011 \\\"Formaldehyde Release Limit of Interior Decoration and Decoration Material Wood-based Panels and Their Products\\\" is the only compulsory national standard in the industry. The standard will be implemented on May 1, 2018. In the new edition of the standard, the formaldehyde emission limit requirement has been raised, the formaldehyde emission limit value force is 0.124 mg/m3, the limit sign E1, the original standard rigid E2 level has been cancelled, and the unified formaldehyde detection test method is 1 m3 climate box method.

       According to the regulations, after May 1, 2018, products sold in the domestic market must meet the requirements of the new standards. Before that, enterprises and quality inspection organizations should prepare for the implementation of the new standards. Enterprises should sell inventory products now produced, transform existing production lines and production technology as soon as possible, purchase 1 m3 climatic box testing equipment to ensure that the production meets the requirements of the new standards. This new standard means that formaldehyde emission limits and detection methods in China have been in line with international standards.

       Formaldehyde emission limit is an important environmental performance index of all floor products and an important factor to promote the green development of the floor industry. The introduction and implementation of the new standard is for a more standardized and healthy sustainable development of wood flooring industry. Effectively promote the transformation and upgrading of flooring and other wood products industry, the survival of the fittest. Second, it will strongly promote the development of new technologies in flooring enterprises, the application of new low-toxic or Youberry environmental protection adhesives. The new standard improves the formaldehyde emission limits. It will help improve the environmental quality of flooring enterprises to promote and improve production process and production technology. Green and safe floor products can also protect consumers'physical and mental health, and provide consumers with a guarantee and official.